
lily oct 14

Today, I was holding a very sleepy Lily as she drank her milk and fell asleep in my arms. I looked at her long eyelashes brushing her precious baby cheeks and how small she seemed. It hit me, in a few short weeks these snuggle moments with my only baby will be coming to an end. I’ll have another little girl to snuggle, yes, but the baby I prayed so long for and cried so many tears for is not a baby anymore. It’s so bittersweet watching her grow into such an incredible little person. I love hearing her crazy little observations, and listening to her play mommy to her baby doll, but I miss those long hours of holding and humming and inhaling her sweet smell. Those are few and far between now.

God, make my arms stronger and my heart bigger so they can be filled to the fullest with my precious girls. Slow down time for me… 18 years is not nearly enough.

I can’t get my fill of sloppy, wet kisses and tiny, tight hugs. The pudgy baby hands reaching for me with the sweetest, “com’ere , you!” I want too remember the exact way she purses her lips when she asks a question, and how she leans forward to tell you she’ll be right back before dashing off in her absurd little waddle that is so astonishingly fast.

The sonogram this week showed that Willow bears a striking resemblance to her sister. They have the same nose! The nose I adore so very much! I’m so excited to see how different they are despite sharing their button noses.

It won’t be long now…. Come soon, sweet Willow!

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